Saved from what exactly?

Rick Brentlinger Answers -

Great question and I'm happy for the opportunity to answer. Everyone born on earth is born with great opportunities and great challenges. Our salvation is not automatic nor is getting saved linked to joining the right church or keeping the rules of the right religion. So from what exactly do we need to be saved?

  1. We need to be saved from being lost. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost, Luke 19:10.

    a. "There is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10
    b. "There is none who understands" 3:11
    c. "There is none who seeks after God" 3:11
    d. "They have all turned aside" 3:12
    e. "They have together become unprofitable" 3:12
    f. "There is none who does good, no, not one" 3:12

  2. We need to be saved from our sins. Jesus came to save His people from their sins, Matthew 1:21.

  3. We need to be saved from the power of sin. When we trust Jesus and get saved, we are identified with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection. Therefore we are dead to sin and alive (resurrected to serve God) in newness of life, Rom 3:23, 6:7.

  4. We need to be saved from God's wrath. God saves sinners from Himself (literally). God hates sin and must punish sin so God offered Himself in the person of Jesus Christ as the payment for our sins, 1 Thess 1:9-10, John 3:36, Acts 16:31.

  5. We need to be saved from hell. Hell is mentioned 23 times in the New Testament. Jesus mentioned hell 16 of the 23 times. Since Jesus brought up hell so frequently, it must be very important not to go there, Luke 16:19-31, Rev 20:14-15.

  6. We need to be saved to become children of God. Jesus told the unsaved Jews, "you are the children of your father the devil," New Living Translation, John 8:44. Only when we trust Jesus to be saved do we become children of God, John 1:11-12, Gal 3:26.

  7. We need to be saved to go to heaven, John 14:1-3, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Getting saved means to believe in Jesus.

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    Do you agree with Jesus on hell?

    Does the Bible say Jesus went to hell?

    Saved? From what? by John MacArthur

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Apr 09, 2014
Eternal Security Vs. Conditional Salvation
by: Anderson

What is your view and research regarding the verses people use when trying to disprove eternal security and believing in conditional salvation?

Rick's comment: Hi Anderson - folks who teach that we can lose our salvation always go to Matthew, Acts, Hebrews, James or Revelation to "prove" their point. Here is why doing that is such a bad idea.

1. Matthew, Acts, Hebrews, James and Revelation are transitional books. They are not the place to go for doctrine about salvation in the church age.

2. The only sane way to approach scripture is to understand that all of it is written for us but it is not all written to us to practice. Some of the Bible is written to other people in other ages or dispensations. Some of it is law and some of it is not law.

3. Because we are under grace, not law, Romans 6:14, for New Testament doctrine about salvation, we always go to the Pauline epistles - not to Matthew, not to Acts, not to Hebrews, not to James, not to Revelation. These pages explain in more detail.

Is everything in Matthew applicable to Christians?

Keeping Torah is never a requirement for Christians.

4. It is vitally important to understand Justification by faith and also to understand what happens when you get saved.

5. With those biblical facts in mind, we are now ready to study why everyone who is justified by faith has eternal security.

This Bible study pdf explains eternal security carefully and accurately if you'll print it and work through it. Many thanks for the good question.

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