Bible Studies
for growing Christians
How can I stop my Christian cussing?
How can I find a gay-affirming church?
Have you seen these answers to frequently asked questions about being gay and Christian?
What does the Bible say about Repentance?
What do Christians mean when they talk about getting saved?
What does the Bible say about how to be saved?
What is grace and God's grace?
How to witness - what do I do?
Is there an easy way to learn witnessing?
Why do you believe the Bible is reliable?
What do Christians believe about scripture?
Why should I believe in a Trinitarian God?
What statement of faith do gay Christians have?
Would you like to see 20 serious questions answered?
Does Christs-Bride include gays and lesbians?
Who Is Jesus according to the Bible?
House Churches are an important New Testament concept.
Does the Bible book of Jude condemn gays and lesbians?
How To Understand
the Bible
1. Who said it? 2. Who wrote it? 3. Who did they say it to? 4. What words did they use? 5. When was it said/written? 6. Where was it in force? 7. What was the intent? 8. What were the circmstances? 9. What was the cultural, doctrinal, historical, religious context?
Believing and applying biblical principles to your own life as you study is the key to spiritual growth.
Bible-Studies - Stack of Bibles
These helpful Scripture Studies are offered FREE to our readers around the world. The twenty-first century is the media age. People get their information from TV and the Internet.
Every month reaches thousands of readers in diverse cultures. These Studies encourage spiritual growth and help you become more effective in serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You are welcome to photo-copy, distribute and freely use these Scripture Studies in your home scripture study, your house church or your traditional church or Sunday School, your prayer meeting or your campus scripture study as long as you do not sell or copyright them.
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If you would like to contribute a Bible lesson which is faithful to scripture and would help growing Christians, please feel free to send it to us for consideration.
We can’t promise to publish everything you send but if the Bible study is faithful to the scriptures rightly divided, if it fits our evangelical Christian purpose and if you have the right to offer it to us FREE for use on Gay Christian 101, we will be happy to consider it.
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by grace alone through faith alone
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Bible Study Resources
for eDisciples