Is there any evidence of an actual gay marriage in the bible?
by Honest Question
To answer your question, we first have to describe marriage in the Bible. For the first 2600 years of the Old Testament, from Adam to Moses, a marriage was not authorized by civil government or by the Jewish religion. The law of Moses contains some guidance for marriage beginning around 1450 BC. The first marriage in the Bible is the marriage of Adam and Eve, Genesis 2:18-24.
Modern marriages do NOT resemble
Adam and Eve's marriage
- Adam and Eve were naked before, during and after their marriage "ceremony," Genesis 2:24, 3:7.
- Adam and Eve did not have an ordained minister officiate at their ceremony.
- Adam and Eve did not have any guests, caterers, photographers or family members at their ceremony.
- Adam and Eve did not exchange rings.
- Adam and Eve did not recite vows to each other.
- Adam and Eve did not have a church wedding.
- Adam and Eve did not pray for God's blessing on their marriage.
- Adam and Eve did not have a wedding certificate from a city, county, state or federal office.
- Adam and Eve did not have a religious wedding certificate from a church or religious organization.
How do we know
these facts about Adam and Eve's marriage? The same way anti-gay Christians allege that they know there are no gay marriages in the Bible, because none of these items are explicitly mentioned in the Bible concerning the marriage of Adam and Eve.
Ancient marriage was based on the
partners committing to each other
Marriage in Bible times consisted of the partners leaving father and mother and committing to each other.
Marriage in Bible times consisted of the marriage being recognized by the families of the married couple.
Marriage in Bible times consisted of the marriage being recognized by the community in which the married couple lived.
Things hadn't changed much four thousand years later in the first century AD when Jesus walked the earth. In Palestine, a Jewish wedding usually involved the consent of the bride's family and the groom's family. Often there were no papers attesting to the marriage.
The wedding ceremony in New Testament times was a family and community affair, involving feasting and a party, sometimes lasting a week, if the parents were wealthy enough to afford that, John 2:1-11.
The point is that your question can only be accurately answered in the context of ancient cultures and customs, many of which are obsolete today.
Is there any evidence of an actual
gay marriage in the bible?
IF by marriage, you mean a union sanctioned in writing by civil and/or religious authorities, then the answer is NO, there probably were no gay marriages in the Bible.
Of course, if we're
only accepting as valid, marriages which were sanctioned
in writing by religious or civil authorities who lived at the same time as the Biblical married couple,
then MOST heterosexual marriages in the Bible are NOT marriages by that standard. Did same sex couples in Bible times partner together as a committed couple in some way? I think the answer to that is Yes, although their partnership probably looked different and functioned differently than same sex partnerships today.
Since approximately 5% of the human population is same sex oriented, certainly for as long as there have been human beings, there have been partnered couples in one form or another.
Did those partnered couples enjoy the same kind of partnership we think of today, jointly owning a house and possibly a business, living together as a vital part of the community, with their partnership recognized by the community? Probably not in most cases.
Is there any evidence of an actual
gay marriage in the bible?
IF by marriage, you are NOT referring to a union recognized in writing (with a wedding certificate) by civil authorities and religious authorities but instead, you're referring to the kinds of marriages affirmed in the Bible, like Adam and Eve, Isaac and Rebekah, David and Jonathan or the Centurion and his beloved partner then YES, there probably are several gay marriages in the Bible.
Gay marriages in the Bible include the marriage partnership of Jonathan and David, which was recognized as a sexual partnership by King Saul himself, 1 Samuel 18:21, 20:30, and the marriage partnership of the centurion and his beloved servant, Matthew 8:5-10 and Luke 7:1-10.
Here is a helpful Link which explores
Gay Couples in the Bible. The other Links on the page take you to additional information about the committed partnership of David and Jonathan.
Here is another helpful Link which explores the possible marriage of
the centurion and his beloved servant. The other Links on the page take you to additional information.
Concluding Thoughts
We do not refuse to use air conditioning or drive cars or ride in airplanes or get married in church simply because those things are not mentioned in the Bible.
If we apply the
"its gotta be in the Bible test" to gay marriage but not to heterosexual marriage and air conditioning and transportation, that is a misguided and unfair approach.
Gay Christian 101
has more in depth information.
Biblical Complementarity which excludes
gays is not taught in the Bible.
Think you know the facts
about Adam and Eve?
Did you know gays and lesbians are
already part of Christs bride?
Does God really forbid
gay marriage in the Bible?
Have you considered this
about gay marriages?
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