How can one be gay and Christian?
by Minister Brigman
Rick Brentlinger Answers -
You've asked a question many people ask. There is no short answer except to say that what is commonly taught, that when a person gets saved, God changes them from homosexual to heterosexual, is just plain wrong.
The answer is also found in the hundreds of pages of detailed information on this website and in the book I've written. For more specific answers, check out this page:
Answers to Ask a Question, where I've answered 122 similar questions.
Or click any button on the NavBar, especially the buttons under What The Bible Says and explore the many reasons why its perfectly fine with God to be both gay and Christian. I've provided hundreds of pages of free information for readers in 165 countries around the world.
My 390 page book,
Gay Christian 101, presents fascinating historical proof that our ancient Jewish and Christian ancestors did not view Biblical texts like Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 as universal indictments of homosexuality.
People who were once marginalized - women, people of color, divorced and remarried people - are leaders in the modern church. Gay Christian 101 argues that the trajectory of Biblical truth also supports full inclusion of born again gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons in the spiritual life of the church.
Isn't it interesting that there are no BC religious or secular references to Sodom which mention homosexuality?
Are you aware that there are at least eighteen variant interpretations of the alleged prohibitions of homosexuality found in Lev 18:22 and 20:13? I list them in Gay Christian 101.
Did you know that the term eunuchs, in ancient times included gay men and lesbians? Jesus points out this fact to His disciples when He specifically excludes eunuchs from participating in Adam and Eve style marriage in Matthew 19:3-12.
Did you know that Jesus met and blessed a gay Centurion and declared his faith greater than the faith of anyone in Israel?
Did you know there are 15 variant interpretations of the Romans 1:26-27 passage?
Did you know that early Christians understood Romans 1 to be prohibiting shrine prostitution?
Are you aware that the Greek words malakoi and arsenokoitai, from 1 Corinthians 6:9, were rarely if ever used to indicate homosexuality in the first century?
I know this is new information for some Christians so I hope you will read and study and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit before you draw a conclusion.
Original question:
How can one be gay and christian? Doesn't the Word of God speak directly against same sex relationships calling it an abomination for a man to lay with a man or a woman to lay with a woman?
I have nothing against gay people, this is just the first time I have seen a website dedicated to helping those in the gay community become saved without acknowledging that being gay is in and of itself a sin directly addressed and spoken against by God. Please help me with this.